About the GDTC

We are the Greenfield Democratic Town Committee. Our mission is to foster and advance the ideals and aims of the Democratic Party; to work and organize for the success of Democratic candidates in Local, County, State and National elections; to do all things necessary and incidental to the building and strengthening of the Democratic Party in Massachusetts and within Greenfield.
Who we are
Members of the committee are elected by registered Democrats in Greenfield, MA every four years.
Our current officers are:
- Chair - Lev BenEzra
- Vice Chair - Pat Falvey
- Treasurer - Doug Mayo
- Secretary - Pete Brown
- Affirmative Action & Outreach - Rachel Gordon
When we meet
The GDTC meets at 7:00 PM on the fourth Thursday of each month. Most of our regular meetings are virtual, but we do get together in person as well. If you are interested in joining us, please reach out. All are welcome!